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Wednesday, October 1, 2014



My Africans and people of the world, I have a story to tell after reflecting deeply about the deeds of our ancestors before and during the slave trade era and the deeds of our people today, then I realise that whatever our brothers and sisters ,fathers, mothers, cousins, nephews and nieces went through during those dark old days boiled down to one thing “GREED” the white where greedy but black where a 1000% more greedy

 I stand to be corrected and I believe you will understand and agree with me after reading this notes and some may disagree, but it is of paramount importance that our black brothers scattered all over the world as a result of slavery knows who their real enemies was those days and still is till date.

Yes it was wrong for the westerners to forcefully take you away from your homes, culture, families, peace, love, joy and security as you desire but it was evil for our then African leaders, elites and the people in authority who sold you to those foreigners that enslaved your forefathers.

Let me tell you one simple truth you do not know though those powerful people who gave you up as slaves got something back in return, such as mirrors, cutleries, clothes, shoes, guns and cutlasses, though that wasn’t their main reasons for selling you, their main objectives was, they saw you people as threat to their greedy intensions, they know that some day you were going to find out their hidden agendas, expose them and disgrace them in order for every man and woman to live equally, that was why they team up and put you all up for sales one after the other, take it or live it.

After selling you, only the leaders, the elites and men of authorities and their families alone remain in Africa and the few rest people who dreaded the so call leaders, subjected themselves  in awe or fear of their masters, that is why today though slave trade has been abolished around the world but still very much present in Africa, what a mirage.

My brothers and sisters in United States Of America, the Caribbean and all the other part of the world, I tell you be grateful to God today because you have actually become the voices of Africans to a great deal. I thank God your fathers and Mothers went through hell, trials, tribulations, distresses, tortures, brutalities, in fact words are not enough to compare what our brothers and sisters went through those dark days,but at the end I want you to know that those white people you hated, wanted dead, to at least justify what you went through are not really your enemies rather our people back home who gave you up were your real enemies, people who use to think that to be a black man was a curse has change their opinions as a result of the sacrifices your fathers made for us to have a place in the world today

Brothers gave up brothers because of portions of land, some gave up sisters because of inheritance, some gave up their nephew and nieces because of the little possessions their late parents left behind for them, you name it, it will surprise you how heartless and wicked our people can be to each other because I am an African, born and brought up in Nigeria, it beats my imaginations when I see how cruel our people can be to one another just because of material things we weren’t born with, we met them here and we going to leave them here when we get a home call someday, then I ask myself why kill my own brother because of wealth, why hold a whole community or a nation to ransom because of possessions and powers, which sometimes after acquiring , we don’t even live more than a year to enjoy.

If we can do this now even after the spread of the good news about Jesus the Son of God, the importance of Love, giving and accommodating one another, I wonder what it was like during the time of old whereby no one knows anything about Jesus Christ.

I realise that the true Africans today are very few, as far as Africa is concerned the only Africans I thought have existed till date, who really care about others and was ready to die for other Africans to live are:

1. my emperor, role model, activist, fighter and a firm believer of equality, love, giving giving and giving some more, Mr Nelson Mandela.

2. Mr. Fela Anikulapo Kuti, Bob Marley, Lucky Dube, Martin Luther King, and few others, all other ones are just mere celebrities,words with  no actions, fighting for their own interest, pocket and families, let the rest Africans perish, it’s none of their business, let any man come out to tell me he’s fighting for the people amongst Africans base in Africa and I will show you liars, Hypocrites,pretenders, pigs on lip sticks thinking they’re humans.

Then other Africans that really has the interest of other Africans at heart are the sons and daughter of those we sold into slavery many years ago thinking we have quench their lights or will perish, but today you are no longer slaves, you are citizens of the world, a million times bigger than our so called African leaders base here in Africa who will still kill their fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters ,families and their entire countries to hold onto power, like we just experience in Kenya, Zimbabwe, Liberia, Nigeria and Libya recently not to mention the massacre of Rwanda people.

Our Leaders thought the people they sold into slavery was finished but they actually was doing them big favours, today we have among them Governors, senators, house of Representatives, Ambassadors even as a result of that slavery, the son of a Kenya immigrant came to the highest position in the world today, the President of United states of America, Barack Obama,what a world? what a transformation.

Today sons and daughters of those former slaves are born original citizen of America, British, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Dutch and more, but we that sold them into slave fight tooths and nails to get visa to go have our children in the western world, in other for them to be consider citizen of the country we thought was a trap for those we gave up for slavery, out of greed and jealousy those dark days, what a shame?, what a shift in destiny?.

I say to you Blacks in America that I am proud of you, out of you today we got Michael J. Jackson who was  and still is the greatest entertainer of all time, who through the changing of his skin further proves that life really begin in Africa scientifically as we can transform our looks into whatever race we so desire but not any other race can change their skin colour into chocolate, wow, you out danced and out performed your peers and break down barriers for other black entertainers to come to the folds.

Out of you we got Martin Luther King Jr, whom through his message of peace and love reaches the entire world and unite us together even many years after he has gone home to be with the Lord his message is ever alive, what a breakthrough?, there are lots more of you who due to time I can not mention but you are all great achievers and your works will never ever go unnoticed, thanks a lot for your great sacrifices, let’s not also forget Bob Marley whom through Music Unite the world, death prove too little to stop your message after many years you pass on.

One big favour I want from you and the western world today is that they should stop pumping money into Africa like they use to do without proper accountantbility,transparency, evidence of good utilisations of the previous money invested in Africa. In fact the people that really deserved these compensation are the descendants of our brothers and sister that was taken away from their homeland, make life comfortable for them even more, because their fathers and mothers work for it,let not their labour, pains and anguish be in vain, let their children enjoy the work of their hard labours, Not the stupid wicked people who gave them up as slaves in other to have all the powers they are now holding. Each time Africans leaders are asking you for compensation for exploiting Africa, it’s a mere propaganda to load their personal account because after receiving the compensation nothing to show for it, so enough is enough, do you world leaders have eyes? have you all gone nuts? that these bag of fools and loathers, pretenders and criminals are scamming you in the name of compensations?

African Americans, the west Indies, don’t cry anymore, rejoice though the thought of what you guys went through is painful but you are better off where you are now than if you were ever to be in Africa believe me because your lights that has shine across the globe today wouldn’t have if you were still in Africa trust me on that.

God has his ways of doing things the wickedness you experience those days has turn to joy today, only if our forefathers knows that they were doing you people  big favours, they would have rather kill you all than put you up for slavery, they are biting their fingers now wherever they are wishing only if they known what the future hold for the descendants of those they sold into slavery, they would have killed your forefathers instead but God blinded them, for you to be alive today and shine.

I want to use this avenue to encourage our brothers and sisters in Diaspora today, black or white, Asians, Indians that no matter what you going through your tomorrow matters a lot more than today, yesterday is gone forget it, today is here make use of it as tomorrow is uncertain, be hopeful, work harder keep moving like martin Luther king Jr said, if you can not fly, run, if you can not run walk, ,if you can not walk creep, above all just keep moving.

Don’t allow your yesterday to hinder your today, think right today so that you won’t regret tomorrow, our brothers and sisters in America has prove to us that with hard work and good thinking that we all will get to that promise land some day.

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